
My Picks for Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs 2013

Okay!  I know this was late already but thank goodness that it was extended for a few more days.  Well, for a start I think this is my third year to join this writing project and it was nice to see different blogs being nominated. New ideas and new breeds of bloggers roaming the waves of the net.  Most of them are really getting influential every year.  I remember the first time that I joined, I nominated my own blog, this blog, Kwento Ni Toto.  I was excited seeing my blog get included on other participants lists.  It's a feeling of accomplishment.  Too bad I wasn't good enough to influence more bloggers but at least I learned a lot from that experience.

So for this year, I'm joining the writing project as an influenced reader.  Yup, this blogs that I'll be listing down somehow influenced me to pick their blogs and write something about it.  To some I think they've influenced me personally for I know some of this bloggers and have seen them influence others as well.  To those that I still don't know I'm sure I'll get to know them somehow and perhaps soon.

This writing project is now on its 7th year and it has constantly seeks in identifying new and emerging blogs that are making an impact to its reader this 2013.  Thanks to this writing project that these blogs are given a chance to be known and be read.

So without any further ruckus I'm bringing here my picks for the Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs 2013.  This is not in any order of influence but a plain list of my picks.

Business What Ifs - Okay business blogs have been always a dull material to read and because business minded people need to get information from they are compelled to read it but for this specific business blog, it is as good as enjoying reading a manga comics.  Interesting!!!  The article is simple, plain and no jargon words to ponder at plus you get the idea in just a few words.  Straight to the point.

Barako Newsline - Well the best way to get information around is from the news and what's even greater having your news while having a hot brewed barako coffee.  Basically that's how I figured out on what the site is all about and of coursed based on their logo.   Another thing is that they get their story up online while it is hot.

Online Geek Chick - This blog is another interesting place to get news and according to her tag line "The online enthusiast girl that will help you find, seek and investigate the latest and hottest online technology scoop", I did find interesting online technology scoop.  It informs well enough and besides it's really rare for a chick to be a geek.

CurlyDianne.com - Okay, the author of this blog is truly one of the influential blogger that I've met because in just a span of less than a year she was able to jump from mainly running matters into almost anything at all and take note her blog was able to reach much more readers than before.  This blog was able to smash through boundaries.

SocialMediaPh.net - For social media enthusiasts this blog site is a good source of ideas, blogging tips, and other information about social media aspects that can heighten your social potential.  Some of the writings are simple to read at and gives a gist of everything that you need to know in a topic.

Sarap Pinoy - Now this blog is very much interesting to fill up the tummies.  Yup, this blog is about foods and taken from its blog name the "sarap" means tasty.  What's more great with this blog is that if you're a Pinoy you'll definitely love reading this blog because it is written in Filipino.  This blog takes a much wider range of readership from Pinoys.

Hey Lois -  Fashion trend topic? Well this blog has it and aside from the fashion OOTD and FOTD that the authors have she also shares her reviews about beauty products which entitles this blog to perhaps receive an award as the fashion and beauty authority for 2013.  Anyway if you want to get ideas and thoughts about fashion and beauty just ask 'Hey Lois!

Foods on the Spot -  Here's another tummy filler stories that I know has influenced me with their mouthwatering pictures of foods, recipes and restaurant hopping.  If you want to check out yummy recipes and great food reviews then this blog can offer that to you.

Definitely Librarian - If you were born right before the age of internet then perhaps this blog is a good read for you but of course this is not the typical librarian old school but this one uses social media.  Get to learn more and know more with the story of its author.

The Posh Traveller - Okay, you read it right and it spells POSH and it is not push and if you ask me why the traveller is spelled with double L, well I don't have the answer for that but all I know is that the blog is mainly about travel.  It is a personal getaway of the blogger sharing that you don't need to experience luxurious travel by spending much.

So, again these are my 10 picks for the Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs 2013.  This writing project is made possible by Optimind SEO Company, Infinity Hub, E-Commerce Boot Camp, and Digital Influencer Boot Camp

For those who would still want to join and participate to this writing project just head on to http://www.influentialblogger.net/2013/06/join-top-10-emerging-influential-blogs.html

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About me
Hi!, This is Marco a.k.a. Toto Blogger and Publisher. I created this blog to provide stories, personal experiences, entertainment, and insights on products I like. I'm here to share and inform you (readers) on things about music, movie, food, travel, and events.

You can also meet my wife on her blog www.mommysmaglife.com.

For project collaborations, product reviews, event invitations, or hotel and resort experience reviews, kindly email me at marcopolojdemo@yahoo.com.

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