
Global Pinoy Celebrates 19th Maaga ang Pasko

The Voice finalist Morissette Amon added cheer and joyful music to 
the 19th Maaga ang Pasko launch at SM Marikina
The spirit of giving and sharing is never more evident for Filipino families than during the Christmas season. Wherever they are in the world, the Filipinos’ generosity shines brightest during this time of the year. Jollibee Maaga ang Pasko, the country’s biggest and longest running toy and book donation drive in the country, lets families around the globe take part in an annual tradition of spreading smiles and cheer for less fortunate kids this Christmas with the launch of the 19th year of the campaign.

  Radio DJ and event host Cerah Hernandez interviewed the Rayo family, 
the 3rd Jollibee Family Values Awards winners from Metro Manila. 
The family shared that making Christmas happier for underprivileged kids 
have been their annual tradition
During the Metro Manila launch of Maaga ang Pasko held in SM City Marikina, the campaign welcomed its new batch of partner schools and companies, adding to the ever growing family of Jolly Toy Scouts. The campaign will also induct new partners in separate launches in Batangas, Pampanga, Cebu and Davao in partnership with SM Supermalls.

Jollibee Regional Marketing Manager Bong Tan, along with Jollibee 
and the Jollibee marketing team, led the oath-taking ceremony of 
the newest batch of Jolly Toy Scouts.
Jollibee Operations Director for Metro South also shared exciting news for this year’s Maaga ang Pasko. “As Jollibee celebrates its 35th year, we are inviting families from all over the globe to be part of the Jolly Family Toy Scouts. This November we will be launching the Jollibee Maaga ang Pasko microsite, where families here or abroad can donate a toy and book online. This is made possible with the help of our campaign partners Toy Kingdom and Goodwill Bookstore”.

The campaign is also tapping the Filipino communities in the United States, Middle East, Hongkong and Singapore – where Maaga ang Pasko boxes will be placed in Jollibee stores. “With the campaign going global beginning this year, we’re hoping to bring together families here and abroad to make Christmas even merrier for more children and families,” expressed Lim.

Representatives of Goodwill Bookstore, major campaign 
and online donation partner of the 19th Maaga ang Pasko, 
with The Voice finalist Morissette Amon and Jollibee.
Kind-hearted families can donate online to the Maaga ang Pasko starting this November. To make an online donation, visit www.jollibee.com.ph and click on the Maaga ang Pasko microsite. Simply choose from the available toy packs or book bundles and follow the simple steps. Every purchase will be automatically donated to Maaga ang Pasko.

(From left) Jollibee Regional Marketing Manager Bong Tan 
and Operations Director for Metro Manila Ever Valiente, 
The Voice finalist Morissette Amon, and 
3rd Jollibee Family Values Awards winner Rayo family.

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