
Winners of Kwento Ni Toto Superbook Giveaway

First of all congratulations to the winners of our Giveaway. This is just some of the giveaways that we will be doing in the coming months. So, expect more raffle giveaways. 

If you have watched Playfull Gelo's live stream last weekend I'm sure you have already the idea who are the winners our giveaway. For those who've joined us, a big thank you. To make it even official we're providing herewith the list of winners. 

Note: one of the announced winners, Bedalyn, which she won the second prize, gave way for us to do another draw which we weren't able to have it live. So for the 2nd prize winner is Joanna Lyn.  For the full details of winners just see our poster below. 

Again thank you very much for those who have joined this contest/raffle/giveaway. As to what I have mentioned above, expect another round of giveaways. 

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About me
Hi!, This is Marco a.k.a. Toto Blogger and Publisher. I created this blog to provide stories, personal experiences, entertainment, and insights on products I like. I'm here to share and inform you (readers) on things about music, movie, food, travel, and events.

You can also meet my wife on her blog www.mommysmaglife.com.

For project collaborations, product reviews, event invitations, or hotel and resort experience reviews, kindly email me at marcopolojdemo@yahoo.com.

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