In the six-part series, Miss Universe 1969 Dahlia (Gloria) is determined to maintain a lineage of Miss Universes in her family. This dream started when her mother Tarsila (Maris), Manila’s last Carnival Queen back in 1939, made her promise to follow in her footsteps.
However, in Dahlia’s blind obsession over molding her daughters into the ultimate candidates, she fails to realize that her children want something else for themselves.
Her eldest Daisy (Maxine) runs away to become a nun, her second Tingting (Winwyn) becomes an activist and gets pregnant, while her youngest and only son Rico (Ross) becomes what she did not expect the most—Miss Gay Universe.
After years of being away from each other, Dahlia hosts a party for her late mother’s centennial birthday as a way to bring her children together. However, what is meant to be a celebratory reunion erupts into a night of revelation as secrets are unearthed and confrontations ensue.
Is there a chance for Dahlia to mend her relationship with her children before it’s too late?
“Beauty Queens” is award-winning director Joel Lamangan’s first iWant original series. Produced by ATD Entertainment Productions, its cast also includes Lotlot De Leon, James Blanco, Ruby Ruiz, Rafa Siguion-Reyna, Shido Roxas, and Nella Marie Dizon.
Catch “Beauty Queens” for free starting this July 15 (Wednesday) on the iWant app (iOs and Android) or For updates, like, and follow @iwant on Twitter and @iwantofficial on Instagram, and subscribe to
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