Showing posts with label Diarrhea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diarrhea. Show all posts


Dreaded Rotavirus

1/31/2012 08:13:00 PM

Microscopic Image of Rotavirus
This is not a bug nor a malware in a computer but it's something that children should not have during their first 2 years of life.  It's a rotavirus which is the leading cause of diarrhea or pagtatae. According to information, diarrhea is the second leading killer of children aged less than 5 years old.  Everyday, 1,500 children around the globe die because of rotavirus-related diarrhea.  Parents should be alarmed and educated about this.

That's what we learned when we attended an event held in Mango Tree Bistro in Trinoma Mall.  Since it's high time of the celebration of the Chinese New Year it is also high time to celebrate that the Department of Health has announced to the media that they'll be including the Rotavirus Vaccination as part of the Expanded Program for Immunization (EPI) 2012.  The Philippines will be the very first Asian Country to implement Rotavirus Vaccination in the EPI.

This is really great news for those who don't have much access to expensive vaccines for parents to protect their children.  Also and maybe it's about time that DOH will do some campaign with regards to this rotavirus.  For sure if you're going to ask a simple house-wife if they know about this rotavirus, only few would respond to this.

To educate us more about ROTAVIRUS, here are some more information about the indirect and direct effect of the virus.

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  • Diarrhea leads to serious long term effects to a child's development in terms of height, energy levels and cognitive abilities.
  • Diarrhea affects nutrient absorption.
  • Growth shortfalls of up to 8.2 cm by age 7 years.
  • Hospitalization due to acute gastroenteritis/diarrhea.
  • Quality of life as well as their livelihood due to an income loss.

This disease is highly preventable through vaccination and with this there would be a better reduction of infant mortality rate.  ROTAVIRUS Vaccine is best given to babies from 6 weeks up to 8 months of age.  It is administered orally 2 to 3 doses depending on the brand of the vaccine.
Image from
Though Rotavirus vaccine have already been around for quite sometime there is still lack of proper campaign and education with regards to this vaccine.  Hopefully, the Rotavirus vaccine would be available soon on health centers and as part of the immunization programs.

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Hi!, This is Marco a.k.a. Toto Blogger and Publisher. I created this blog to provide stories, personal experiences, entertainment, and insights on products I like. I'm here to share and inform you (readers) on things about music, movie, food, travel, and events.

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