
Watch OTJ, A World Class Action Film

Holidays are just one of the days that bloggers, like Kwento Ni Toto, are looking forward to. Most especially the working ones, a time off from a tiring day at work.

A time to relax and here out something new in the entertainment industry. Something different and something that we don't usually see nowadays. Yes, there's something new to look forward to in movies this coming days as Director Erik Matti, an award-winning filmmaker, takes movie goers into a new level of Pinoy action movie, an action genre that we now rarely see on Filipino films.

This August 28, Star Cinema and Reality entertainment will finally set its release of the highly anticipated iternationally-acclaimed action-thriller “OTJ” (On The Job). Starred by these brilliant actors of their generation, Piolo Pascual, Gerald Anderson and 2013 Puchon International Fantastic (PiFan) Film Festival best actor Joel Torre.

This action movie “OTJ” will be a mark for the return of the action genre in Star Cinema. It was 20 years ago when Star Cinema had their first ever movie release entitled “Adan Ronquillo” which was starred by now Senator Ramon “Bong” Revilla.

During the blog conference held last August 9 at ELJCC Building, Direk Erik Matti, Piolo Pascual and Joey Marquez shared their experiences, their fun and their laughs while taking the scenes and also some of the untold events that happened while on the process of making film. For Piolo Pascual who played the role of Attorney Frnacis Cornel, an NBI agent who is in hot pursuit of criminals on-the-job, and for Joey Marquez who played the role a cop, were both honored to be part of the movie.

They even shared their excitement with the controversial chase scene of “OTJ”. According to Direk Erik Matti they had to close some roads and streets in the metro just to make that chase scene. I just wonder how did Direk Erik Matti avoid the possible flocking of the fans knowing that these hunk stars where there shooting.

This is an all star cast movie that movie goers will sure love to see and feel. A usual story of gun men for hire but an extraordinary storytelling and direction of Direk Erik Matti. As the men of “OTJ” are all excited for film, Kwento Ni Toto is also excited to see the movie itself.

Also part of “OTJ” (On The Job) are Angel Aquino, Shaina Magdayao, Empress, Dan Jimenes, Leo Martinez, Vivian Velez and Rayver Cruz. Showing on cinemas nationwide on August 28, 2013.

For more information and updates about “OTJ” and other Star Cinema's 20th anniversary movie offerings, visit www.StarCinema.com.ph, http://facebook.com/StarCinema and http://twitter.com/StarCinema.

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Hi!, This is Marco a.k.a. Toto Blogger and Publisher. I created this blog to provide stories, personal experiences, entertainment, and insights on products I like. I'm here to share and inform you (readers) on things about music, movie, food, travel, and events.

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