
Unlocking Skills with KIT KAT

Humans can do impossible things with just the right food to eat and the right attitude to do it. There are foods that are power boosters for the body which gives energy to do what we want to achieve. I, Kwento Ni Toto who does a lot aside from blogging and being in an 8 to 5 duty in the office, takes time to have a break.  I need to take time off from the things I does and resting helps a lot in coping up with the what I does and eating nutritious food add up to boost that energy level to take more on the duties and tasks required for the day.

Here's a question from KitKat.
Did you know that taking a KIT KAT Break can unlock hidden skills in you that make it seem like you can break the impossible?
Quite right because just like what I've mentioned before there are foods that boost up energy to make us do things more than what we expected.

Here's a question from KIT KAT...

 If I were given a chance to unlock potential skill then perhaps I’ll be more effective and efficient in everything that I will do. It will be like an undying surge of awesomeness and skills.  I'm having trouble choosing between "Never forget any details" and "Multitask at any given time".   Well I never really believe in multitasking perse but if were given more than two brains to focus on the task then it would be great but then again it's not.

Well, after having thought of what to unlock, I finally come to the decision that I’ll be unlocking the skill
I know the first to ask is the big WHY?  So here's my answer.
With so much work and things to remember not only in the office things get fuzzy and blurry sometimes that we tend to forget minor details.  Admittedly I'm one of those people who does forget minor things.  So if this skill is unlocked and will stay as long as it should be then it would really make me an efficient and effective employee and that's not all I'll an awesome Dad as well plus a reliable bud to my friends because I won't miss any events and details in life.

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Hi!, This is Marco a.k.a. Toto Blogger and Publisher. I created this blog to provide stories, personal experiences, entertainment, and insights on products I like. I'm here to share and inform you (readers) on things about music, movie, food, travel, and events.

You can also meet my wife on her blog www.mommysmaglife.com.

For project collaborations, product reviews, event invitations, or hotel and resort experience reviews, kindly email me at marcopolojdemo@yahoo.com.

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