What does clean drinking water means to you? For the common people seeing the water clean and with no particles floating in it makes clean enough for drinking but according to experts it isn't just that because clean drinking water needs to be really clean macroscopically or microscopically. And Kwento Ni Toto is here to share what we've learned from Aquabest as they filters water for good health.
So, what do water does for the body? It helps cleanse and revitalize the body sweeping away toxins and impurities in the body. Water also helps in keeping our energy and alertness level up all day. All in all, drinking plenty of water leads to greater personal wellness and well-being. Unfortunately, not all waters are the same, there are some that are better than the other.
Aquabest brings to their customers their radically different type of drinking water as it is not only but healthy as well. What's unique with Aquabest is that they are filtering their water using four unique technologies. They call their process the SOUL of Aquabest.
Security which is the Tanwing process
Order which is the Grander technology
Ultra-Pure which is the RO or Reverse Osmosis and lastly
Living which is the Nanogen technology
These four comprises the technology and process that Aquabest uses to provide clean and healthy water for their customers.
Here are some few explanations with the technologies that they use. Tanwing Technology and Reverse Osmosis are filtration technologies that help eliminate practically all contaminants in the water making them safe and clean. Tanwing works by utilizing two wavelengths of ultraviolet radiation to help eliminate all biological contaminants. At the same time, Reverse Osmosis filters water at the nanometer level far smaller than a strand of hair to ensure that all impurities are filtered out. While the Nanogen and Grander Technologies work at the molecular level to infuse health giving properties to the water by affecting the molecular structure of the water. Nanogen is a Korean technology that utilizes nanotechnology to neutralize pure water's inherent acidity. Acidic water is supposed to be a contributing factor to some diseases. Grander Technology from Austria alters the molecular structure of water to improve body absorption. Normal water molecules are large and irregularly shaped. This causes uneven rates of absorption into the body making it inefficient and disorganized. With Grander Technology the water molecules are compressed and given a uniform shape. This facilitates faster and more efficient absorption into the body.
To sum up things, Aquabest Granderized Water improves on the inherent cleansing and rejuvenating qualities of water. Each drop reaches deeper into the core of every cell of our bodies allowing full performance and better functions.
For a better lifestyle drink water daily.
883 Quezon Ave, Quezon City
Metro Manila 1104 Philippines
(+63 2) 332-2222
Website : www.aquabest.com.ph
Facebook : www.facebook.com/aquabestpurewater
Twitter : @iloveAquabest
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