
Things To Know About Cooltura, One of IBC 13’s Programs

Interesting and informative this is one of the programs that will continue to air in IBC 13. Yes this is Cooltura and this is their newest season. Catch Cooltura, one of IBC 13. It’s an infotainment programs showcasing the country’s travel destinations and cultural heritage, will be starting its new season on April 2019. The new season of Cooltura highlights the Philippine culture and tourism in the age of social media.

A combination of documentary and reality, the show aims to encourage viewers to discover, rediscover, appreciate and embrace different aspects of culture (arts, history, food, traditions, festivals) and tourism (destinations, landmarks) of a particular town, city, province or region in the Philippines.

Colltura is hosted by Kevin Lapena and Kris Tiffany Janson who are both passionate about Filipino culture. Each episode is a fun and meaningful journey where Kevin and Kris become cultural travel companions, entertaining, educating and inspiring viewers of all ages with their exploration of and immersion in every place they visit.

Armed with the latest gadgets, Kevin and Kris record portions of their rtravels, uploading them in social networking and video-sharing sites like Facebook. Youtube and Instagram. By doing so, they connect easily with the audience on television and online.

The new season of Cooltura airs every Tuesday at 7:30PM on IBC 13, with replays every Saturday at 9:00 PM and live streaming on ibctv 13 Facebook page. Premiere telecast is on April 30.

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