
Bacsi Bros 5 Interesting Variants Endorses by Tony Labrusca

An old Pinoy menu with new and twisted unique food concept, created to bring the popular all-day breakfast to a new level of meal experience. The meal is basically a fusion of garlic fried rice, fried egg and any dish like tapa (cured beef slices), or chicken, thus, creating it's well known name tapsilog, which is a derivation from tapa for tap, sinangag or fried rice for si, and itlog for log. As time goes on, more and new dishes were combined together to bring a wide variety of dishes to enjoy like tosilog, longsilog and more. BACSI Bro's is the name, new concept with an old signature meal that aims to bring good all-day breakfast when you need it.

Just recently, BACSI Bro's opened its first branch in Ayala Malls Marikina which is located at the Liwasang Kalayaan. A not very familiar place for someone who's not from Marikina. It is more of a community mall with a two story established that features different stores for the convenience of the residents and near by places. BACSI Bro's is located at the 2nd Floor in the Food Choices section of the mall.

The event was graced by one of the hottest male actor of his generation, very well known for the movie Glorious, Tony Labrusca, the endorser of BACSI Bros. He gamely and enthusiastically entertained the interview of the press and bloggers, and enjoyed the crazy time with the fans and followers for a meet and greet, who happens to enjoy BACSI Bro's products. Lucky fans were able to have an upclose photo with the heartthrob Tony Labrusca.

BACSI Bro's offers 5 interesting variants in two kinds of serving - in a Wrap (Pita Bread) or a Box (Rice).

BACSI Wrap / BACSI Bro - It is a combination of crispy juicy bacon, golden scrambled eggs, topped with cheesy cheese sauce and wrapped in baked pita bread or mixed with rice.

TAPSI Wrap / TAPSI Bro - A combination of cured beef, golden scrambled eggs, and with its signature sauces wrapped in baked pita bread or mixed with rice.

TOCI Wrap / TOCI Bro - It is a combination of cured pork, golden scrambled eggs, and fused with its signature sauce wrapped in baked pita bread or mixed with rice.

HOTSI Wrap / HOTSI Bro - A combination of juicy hotdog, golden scrambled eggs, and with its signature sauces wrapped in baked pita bread or mixed with rice.

CORNSI Wrap / CORNSI Bro - It is a combination of corned beef, golden scrambled eggs, and the intriguing signature sauces wrapped in baked pita bread or mixed with rice.

Aside from these interesting 5 variants they also offer the CHICKSI Bro and PORKSI Bro.

Wraps are priced at Php60.00 while the rice meals are priced at Php75.00. The Chicksi and Porksi Bros are priced at Php90.00. Basically, the whole selections cater to all ages to enjoy.

The wraps are just what people on-the-go needs while the rice meals are for those who want to enjoy these comfort foods together with friends or love ones. If you ask me what do I recommend... well I'd go for the BACSI and the TOCI whether its wrap or rice meal. Check out their store, try the variants for yourself and see which one would you regularly prefer for an all-day breakfast. Check out their FB page https://www.facebook.com/Bacsi-Bros-295667187797346/

This is the newest food concept that is rolled out in the market and is open for franchising under U-Franchise. Franchise Fee is Php180,000 for Kiosk and Php350,000 for In-line Store. To know more of the details in franchising kindly visit https://www.ufranchiseasia.com/franchise-bacsibros or email them at franchising@franchiseasia.com. 

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