
Mystery Box Raffle Countdown

As our way of saying thank you for the years of reading, watching, and following Kwento Ni Toto, we're having a small mystery box raffle. Like our teaser show, we have three (3) boxes to be raffled off, and it will be until the year ends. Prizes are small but let us have fun and do the activities.

During the whole duration of the Mystery Box Raffle, we will post instructions on what to do to join the raffle. So better watch out and find out where we'll post the instructions for each box. Whether on our blog, Youtube channel, or other social media accounts. Just remember to follow Kwento Ni Toto! Always remember the yellow logo with me in it!

So, better subscribe, follow and like and social media accounts @kwentonitoto because we're counting down. Few more days 'till we launch!!!!

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About Me

About me
Hi!, This is Marco a.k.a. Toto Blogger and Publisher. I created this blog to provide stories, personal experiences, entertainment, and insights on products I like. I'm here to share and inform you (readers) on things about music, movie, food, travel, and events.

You can also meet my wife on her blog www.mommysmaglife.com.

For project collaborations, product reviews, event invitations, or hotel and resort experience reviews, kindly email me at marcopolojdemo@yahoo.com.

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Gelo Malikha, EzineArticles.com Basic PLUS Author Marco Polo Demo is an Intellifluence Trusted Blogger



