Showing posts with label Dole Fresh Philippines Fan Page. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dole Fresh Philippines Fan Page. Show all posts


Not Your Ordinary Banana Contest

8/28/2011 07:46:00 AM

During my days in the province my grandparents would always tell me not to eat fruits in the morning because it might upset my stomach. Apparently they were wrong because fruits would always give us the nutrients and energy that we need for our daily workloads. My Aunt would always say “don’t listen to them too much sometimes they are wrong” and she would follow “that’s an old folks saying.”

Well, good thing that I sometimes defy the norms and would always go for something that I believed would benefit me much, especially with regards to my health. It was college days when I started eating fruits in the morning, it’s an influenced and also a learning from watching morning TV shows. They featured that fruits are essential to our body, mostly during mornings because our body mainly absorb all the nutrients after that eight hours of sleep. One of the best fruit to eat during morning is the banana. Banana provides lots of nutrients to our body, it got potassium, some calcium, zinc, copper, iron, vitamin E, and selenium. It also contains fructo-oligosaccharide which acts as pre-biotics and does have good fibers for indigestion.

So mainly bananas are good for us and much better if those bananas are fresh just like the bananas from Dole. Speaking of fresh, I know this is not fresh anymore but I just happen to stumble upon the fan page of Dole Philipines after attending the cooking event that they have. I found out that they are running a contest. I know it’s quite late but hey its worth to try and besides sharing your healthy lifestyle is one of the best ways to help others.

The contest is called the “Banana Morning Motto” which runs through August 5 – September 4, 2011. The contest mainly encourages people to have a good motto every morning. So what are the prizes? Well it’s just 10 sessions of Zumba Classes and an Executive Massage Gift Certificate from The Spa. If you’re a spa lover you will for sure grab a chance to these prizes.

So what’s the mechanics? It’s just a nine pointer activity to finish the whole contest mechanics. So here it is…

  1. Sign Up or Log In to
  2. Like the Dole Fresh Philippines Fan Page.
  3. Register your name and address at the Dole Banana Morning Motto Application
  4. Read the full mechanics.
  5. Take a picture of your DOLE® Banana with your Banana Morning Motto (the “Photo”). Be creative.
  6. Make sure that the Dole sticker is part of your photo (I just don’t know if there’s no sticker available like mine).
  7. Upload your photo
  8. Tag your friends whom you'd like to share your entry (optional)
  9. In the Banana Morning gallery, users can view and vote for their own entry as well as others' entry

Plain and simple! I think readers can easily grasp the whole mechanics but if you have anything to ask just visit their Frequently Asked Questions.
You still got a few days to go and join the contest but before you do that kindly check my post and like them.  Here's the link  Thanks!

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Hi!, This is Marco a.k.a. Toto Blogger and Publisher. I created this blog to provide stories, personal experiences, entertainment, and insights on products I like. I'm here to share and inform you (readers) on things about music, movie, food, travel, and events.

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