Showing posts with label Yuketide Season. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yuketide Season. Show all posts


3 Created Reasons Why We Attend and Celebrate Christmas Parties

12/18/2019 08:39:00 PM

In just few more days we will be celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. Early this month and until the day before the Christmas Day or even after that day, we attend Christmas Parties. Probably some of us, couldn't get that schedule because of the invitations from friends, companies and relatives. In other words we're here there and everywhere, especially if you're really that lucky person who is just loved by many.

Beyond that celebration do you really know why parties are created in the first place? Well, probably we often missed that because sometimes we all do is get to the venue and start eating or drinking. Chat a bit and boom where off again to another party.

So, I just have this few ideas that I want to share why parties, particularly Christmas Parties, are created. Of course with a bit of a created story about it.

1. To reconnect. Yes, in some, there are Christmas parties set to create connections with friends and relatives. It is not just music, booze and foods but it's also about reconnecting to your long lost friends or getting closer to them.

2. To getaway. Probably for the working class, the yuppies, or the millennials, Christmas parties are one way of getting away from the load of life or work. You get to have fun, enjoy and laugh even for just few hours of your life.

3. To relax. Yes, for some people parties are their way of getting relaxed. You get to stay at your seat and enjoy the program, the music, the performances and of course the raffle, which is definitely will get you relaxed specially when you won the grand prize.

These are just the 3 generals things that reasons out why we all attend and celebrate Christmas parties. Of course, there are also other reasons like have fun, boast around your new dress, or because fo the prizes that will be raffled.

So, whatever your reasons just be sure that you enjoy and be a blessing to others.

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Hi!, This is Marco a.k.a. Toto Blogger and Publisher. I created this blog to provide stories, personal experiences, entertainment, and insights on products I like. I'm here to share and inform you (readers) on things about music, movie, food, travel, and events.

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