Showing posts with label 5 Reasons Why HellBoy Should Not Be Watched By Faint-Hearted. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 5 Reasons Why HellBoy Should Not Be Watched By Faint-Hearted. Show all posts


5 Reasons Why HellBoy Should Not Be Watched By Faint-Hearted

4/22/2019 08:00:00 AM

There are reasons why the regulatory board give grade and rating for films to be released and watched by moviegoers. This is to protect viewers from any effects of the movie that may lead to something like trauma or a like (that's my guess), most especially for the little ones. That is why they made sure to have restrictions like the Parental Guidance or PG and Rated or R ratings.

For our movie discussion today we will be featuring the recently released movie HellBoy, which is actually a reboot of the 2004 released movie directed by Guillermo del Toro. While this year's film is directed by Niel Marshall, which is considered to be a much more closer to the comic book release of Dark Horse. A much darker story of HellBoy.

So, after watching the movie I was able to build up some reasons why it should be and should be watched. First, lets focus on the 'why not'. Perhaps the 'why to watch' will be on the second part of our topic.

I have organized and collated five (5) main reasons why faint-hearted people should not watch HellBoy.

  • The movie shows to much blood and gory scenes that someone who easily faints with blood might experiene trauma. Worse, the person might loose consciousness in a not so well litted part of the movie house that might cause the person injury.
  • There are parts of the movie where decapitation and slaughtering are involved that is not a watch for children and faint-hearted individual. The smashing, slicing and dicing is really prominent in the movie. Yes it's clear as water that the title is HellBoy but the writer and director should have tone it down since HellBoy is a kids thing.
  • If you're heart isn't strong enough to stay in your belief, then you should not watch the movie. The site of its apocalyptic distruction when he held the Excalibur Sword just doesn't make much sense. Yes he is the rightful heir to the throne but that doesn't mean he just loose consciousness and became the demon that he is and release all the evil around the world.
  • The psychic connection created by the character played by Sasha Lane is just gruesome and that gawking sensation of a thing com8ng out of your mouth will let you feel nausous and vomit.
  • Lastly, if you don't want to see the sight of people being torn apart and be eaten by monsters, then perhaps you might want to reconsider. The beginning of the movie is already a mild one and it progresses like a creceindo of bloody mess as it goes near the end.

So, will I recommend to watch the movie? Yes, if you have the guts to take all the gory, gruesome, and bloody effects of the movie. Plus if the foundation of your belief is as hard as the pillars if St. Peter's church. But for a faint heart take on a courage pill first and a dosage of strength to get yourself together to see to the movie.

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