Showing posts with label Climate Emergency!!!. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Climate Emergency!!!. Show all posts


We Are Now on Crisis, Climate Emergency!!!

9/18/2019 12:25:00 AM

This was my post back in 2010 Giving tips on how to recycle plastics. I'm not sure how many people were reached and informed about this article but I'm very much thankful that I was able to share it online.

After 9 years of gradual reducing, reusing, and recycling it has become irrelevant now, it isn't the solution anymore we need to make a drastic change and raise the banner of saving the planet if we want to save the future of humanity. As most of environmentalists and scientist are now telling we don't have much time, we are now in crisis. The changes in weather patterns, climate changes, and earthquakes are signs that the planet is in chaos.

What happened to the call of Severn Cullis-Suzuki at Rio Summit in 1992? There were agendas created but the execution wasn't enough. Now, Greta Thunberg is sacrificing her Fridays not attending school to protest and force the government to shut down factories and companies degrading the environment. We only have a few more years to go before everything that we so-called living planet will be gone.

We people haven't really learned! The story created by Dr. Seuss, The Lorax, isn't just a story for kids but it transcends every generation and yet we haven't learned from it.

Climate change has already reached the level of a planet-wide emergency - with devastating consequences for people and all living things. And it is quickly becoming much worse.

According to scientists, in order to stop the increase of the earth’s temperature at the safest level still possible – below 1.5 to 2.0 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels – the rich industrialized countries have to reach near-zero emissions of greenhouse gases by 2030 and all other countries have to reach near-zero emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050.

This coming September 20-27, 2019, different parts of the world will conduct Global Mobilization for the Climate Emergency! For the Philippines, you may join on September 20 at Liwasang Aurora, Quezon Memorial Circle, QC 1:30PM to 6:00PM.

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About me
Hi!, This is Marco a.k.a. Toto Blogger and Publisher. I created this blog to provide stories, personal experiences, entertainment, and insights on products I like. I'm here to share and inform you (readers) on things about music, movie, food, travel, and events.

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