Showing posts with label Electrolux Wash-athon Clothes Donation Advocacy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Electrolux Wash-athon Clothes Donation Advocacy. Show all posts


Environment and Shirt Advocacy! Two in One!

9/15/2011 11:54:00 PM

This is the Shirt

Shirts are one of the essential things that we need. Shirts have given us the warm and feeling of being protected, from cold, from sickness and from other things that may harm our body. Sometimes we go without the lower clothing like the shorts and pants but still cool just like one of Tom Cruz’s movie where he slides in with his polo shirt and brief only.  That was a hit during that time and most ladies loved that.

Shirts gains and loses its value at the same time.  For masses, like us, who wears shirts with brands loses its value but when prominent people wear that same kind of shirt gains its value very much.  So that’s how shirts loses and gains its value. 

For the simple people once a shirt is worn it embodies the whole being of the wearer and the shirt.  They become one in character and in everything.  The shirt gains value from the owner.

One of the Miss Earth of 2008 who joined with us  in the Tree Planting Activity
(It's not that shirt that I am donating. Hehehe)
My shirt story is somewhat short and this shirt is the only surviving shirt that I haven’t worn out.  Most of my environmental shirts were already faded and some of it is really used up.   It really did serve its purpose of protecting me.  The shirt is a tree planting shirt which we used when we planted trees along the SCTEX or Subic Clark Tarlac Expressway.   Yes we did plant on that stretch and yes also because I’m an environmentalist.  I fight for the sake of Mother Earth. 

Not an Environmental Activity but in the Organization it's called
Social Environment
(A Medical Mission for the indigent people in Pampanga)
Since I started working, attending environmental activities of our organization has been too hard for me to be there in every activity.  So when our office started the campaign to plant trees along the SCTEX it livens and flicker the fire in me of being an environmental advocate.  Since then that shirt has been my constant reminder that even though I’m at work and couldn’t join the organization’s activity still the flame of the organizations ideology is still bursting inside of me. 

I may not have written a very well story but sharing something that is worth for the people to learn something more about the environment is good enough for me.  I just want those who will use and see that shirt to constantly be reminded of our present situation and all of us have things to share for Mother Earth.  So, I love this shirt! Now I want someone else to love it too! I support the Electrolux Wash-athon Clothes Donation Advocacy.

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Hi!, This is Marco a.k.a. Toto Blogger and Publisher. I created this blog to provide stories, personal experiences, entertainment, and insights on products I like. I'm here to share and inform you (readers) on things about music, movie, food, travel, and events.

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