Astroplus Blog-Connect, Connecting Bloggers & Brands
11/16/2012 10:28:00 PM
Few weeks ago Astroplus together with Mike Soon of MixofEverything and Azrael Coladilla of Asrael'sMerryland collaborated to showcase and introduce what's new and what's upcoming from different brands.
It was a fine afternoon and I think rain had stopped for some time to make way for the bloggers to attend this overwhelming and brand-flooded event. This is their second year of bringing brands upclose to bloggers. The first one was the Bloggers' Blow Out which was done in one of thei branch at Greenbelt and for this year it's themed as “Astroplus Blog-Connect” and it is held at their Astroplus branch at the Podium. Astroplus wanted to let bloggers experience more of the brands that they have. The event was divided into two blocks, one for the music and movie and the other one is for the gadgets. So for those who love music and movies they attended the first block, then for the bloggers who like and knows much more about gadgets go for the second block which is the gadgets block. Gladly, I was there during the first event and it was a huge one, with different brands and as I recall it it was raining with giveaways that day. Did get a lot of good stuff!
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