Showing posts with label Notion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Notion. Show all posts


Thoughts About the Impeachment Trial

1/14/2012 11:38:00 PM
Next week there will be another Impeachment Trial.  Most of the people, whether they are government officials, senators, congressmen, staff, contractual, casual or government employees, are all preparing for this trial.  For now it is one of the top news being reported on every TV News Station and the entire nation will for sure get their eyes tied on this.

Now, what are my thoughts about this impeachment trial?

For a low middle class contractual employee who always get his paycheck less tax, this is my thoughts about not only the impeachment trials but as well as all cases of government officials who did not do well on serving the nation.

For every impeachment trials that our government went through there are things that are neglected and taken for granted.  This is to give emphasis on the tax portion.  Well at first, workers who work on government, companies and other establishments, income tax are already omitted on the income of the employee and straight to the revenue of the government.  I'm not really much of an economic topic person but as far as I know revenues collected by the bureau are put into a fund that will be used by the government in providing infrastructures, education, and other services for the people.  Aside from this, the salaries and wages of all government workers (whether it is high ranking officials or rank and files) are also taken from that fund.   So meaning all who works on the impeachment trials are paid accordingly and not only that but also the supplies that are used or will be used are considered expenses already.  If you're with this do the math and compute how many millions are being used in every impeachment trial.  Also, think more of how much it will cost if the trial went on for more than three months perhaps.

 Imagine how many millions more are supposed to be used for much more important developments for the country and for the people. 

For the official in question or anyone who's in question we should adapt how Japanese value their honor.  It's more of the term "delicadeza" for us Filipinos.

This is my idea and observation.  Employees like us pay the taxes for the impeachment trial.  If every term of service there will be an impeachment trial I don't know what will be the accomplishment of the government after every term of service.  Perhaps this country will be called THE IMPEACHMENT COUNTRY!

I don't know much about the in and out of politics and economics.  This is just an observation of a low middle class citizen.

How about you what do you think of this present situation of the country?

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