Showing posts with label Pork BBQ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pork BBQ. Show all posts


Celebrities, families say yes to the #MangInasalPorkBBQChallenge

3/20/2022 10:34:00 AM


After trending on Twitter for several days, Mang Inasal has an awesome surprise for food lovers everywhere as it launched another craze, and this time it's an experience that dares netizens and their families to take on the #MangInasalPorkBBQChallenge.

Even celebrities like Dimples Romana and Kim Atienza have jumped on the trend! They were not able to resist the tender and juicy goodness of Mang Inasal’s Pork BBQ that is paired with flavorful java rice and made even better with its newest addition, the peanut sauce.

Interested to take on the #MangInasalPorkBBQChallenge too? All you have to do is to dine-in at your favorite Mang Inasal stores, take a photo while enjoying the NEW Pork BBQ with Peanut Sauce and Java Rice, and share it on social media for a chance to be one of the three winners of Php 1,000 worth of Mang Inasal gift certificates.

For more details, visit Mang Inasal's social media pages.

BBQ FAMoments Made More Extra Special with Mang Inasal

3/20/2022 12:41:00 AM


More fun and memorable time with the family. Are you one of those Dads or Moms who are looking forward to creating new fun moments with your family and friends this New Normal? 

If you are, well, don’t worry. Mang Inasal got you, fam!

With the easing of pandemic restrictions and now mindful of the safety precautions, diners of all ages are excited to do everything that they’ve missed, including get-togethers over their Ihaw-Sarap favorites – whether at home or at their favorite Mang Inasal stores.

And to make family bonding moments extra special, Mang Inasal has recently introduced another innovation in its menu. Foodies of all ages can now enjoy Mang Inasal's tender-grilled Pork BBQ with rich peanut sauce and flavorful Java rice. The meal is expected to be added to the growing list of Mang Inasal must-haves always shared with family members and friends.

“Our juicy-lock grilling process ensures that every bite of the Pork BBQ stays juicy, so we can provide customers and their families a delightful experience every time, whether it’s dine-in, take-out, or delivery,” said Mang Inasal Business Unit Head Jojo P. Subido.

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About me
Hi!, This is Marco a.k.a. Toto Blogger and Publisher. I created this blog to provide stories, personal experiences, entertainment, and insights on products I like. I'm here to share and inform you (readers) on things about music, movie, food, travel, and events.

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