Showing posts with label Mister Donut. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mister Donut. Show all posts


Mister Donut and Despicable Me Brings In Fun With The Doughnuts

7/25/2016 07:44:00 PM

When the little yellow ones invaded the big screen kids and kids-at-heart go crazy about them and guess what they became a trademark that everyone loves to have. They become popular with their yellow-colored silly look with wide-eyed wonder. They have an odd yet endearing innocence that makes them very relatable to youngsters. The Despicable Me characters have already made a mark in this generation’s pop culture. Their lovable personality, signature voice, and unique language have captured the hearts of everyone especially the Filipinos.


Mister Donut Brings Two Exciting Flavor In One Delightful Sweet Treat

6/06/2016 03:39:00 PM

It's always great when two things joins together. There's a famous phrase that says "Two heads are better than one" and for Mister Donut they just made something interesting like the trending combinations of two famous names to form a totally new name or a “hybrid”. Examples are celebrity names like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie formed a popular tandem, “Brangelina”. A scrumptious combination of croissant and donuts became the hybrid that is “cronuts”. Corndog has been around for quite some time now but that name was also borne out of marrying two delicious snack favorites, that which are CORN and HOTDOG. These new “terms” just prove that when you combine two good things, something even more surprisingly wonderful comes out of it.


A Treat for Moms and Kids from Mister Donut

5/11/2014 02:41:00 AM
Well if you don't have any ideas or plans for Mother's Day, check out what Kwento Ni Toto shares about as Mister Donut give a treat for Moms and Kids.  As what most moms and kids says a mother's love should always be honored every day.

So here's what we are telling about for only 99 pesos, bring home a Celebration Treat for your mom to tell her how much you appreciate her as your mom. Choose from a delectable Black Forest, a delicious Mocha, or a classic Red Velvet to express how you really feel. With every purchase of these cake-inspired creations, you also get a cuddly teddy bear to make your mom feel so loved. More than the gift, she'll really appreciate the time and effort you took to show her how much she means to you. Moms are always thankful that their children know how to treat them right.



Kisstory With Mister Donut's Bavarian Doubles This Valentine

2/04/2013 06:40:00 PM
Not so long time ago there were two individuals with different personality met in a not so ordinary day and a not so ordinary place, it was Valentine's Day.  Though with differences they both collided in a good manner.  It's like a magnetic attraction, opposite ends attracts.  A mixture of two personalities complimenting each other.  It was a new haven for both of them.

There were rumors they will not last but with God's blessing their relationship grew more.  Even stronger with every trials they face.  Through heat and through rain they endured everything just to be together in each others arms.  It took time before they finally decided to settle the long yearning of their soul.  The screaming of their heart, shouting their love for each other.

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Hi!, This is Marco a.k.a. Toto Blogger and Publisher. I created this blog to provide stories, personal experiences, entertainment, and insights on products I like. I'm here to share and inform you (readers) on things about music, movie, food, travel, and events.

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