
Angeline Quinto and Jake Cuenca Went Foolish with Foolish Love The Movie

What does "foolish" means? According to Meriam-Webster "foolish is defined as 'having or showing a lack of good sense, judgment, or discretion', so by the means of lack of good sense it only says that the movie is all about love without good judgment at all. For Angeline Quinto and Jake Cuenca, "Foolish Love" made them went all out with their characters to the point of getting foolish and invibe it.

"Foolish Love" is Regal Entertainment, Inc.'s pre-Valentine offering this 2017 and it is directed by one of the best director in the industry, Direk Joel Lamangan. The movie is about the character played by Angeline Quinto who is obsessed to meet the guy of her dreams. She then meets the character played by Jake Cuenca, who shares a name with the guy in her dreams. Thinking he is indeed her destiny, Angeline falls madly in love with Jake. They had a happy relationship until Angeline realizes Jake is not the man in her dreams.

In this movie fans and moviegoers will definitely see a different Angeline Quinto, it is a level up move on her acting career as she embarks on a more daring roles. As what the film requires Angeline takes away her inhibitions and went all out to give justice to her character. Direk Joel admires her for that move.

For Jake Cuenca on the other hand, showed his undying passion for his craft. One particular scene was him didn't mind getting soaked in the rain while waiting for Angeline's character.  Of which it was praised by Direk Joel.
Aside from Jake and Angeline, Foolish Love also stars the love team of real-life couple Miho Nishida and Tommy Esguerra.

This "Foolish Love" movie got a new concept, credible cast and fresh faces. A romcom movie that will catch the interest of moviegoers. Go foolish on January 25, 2017 at cinemas nationwide.
Watch the full trailer of Foolish Love and check out their social media accounts.

Movie : "Foolish Love"
Facebook : www.facebook.com/RegalEntertainmentInc
Twitter : @regalfilms
Instagram : @regalfilms50

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