Showing posts with label Activities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Activities. Show all posts


5 Things To Do in Banff

5/18/2021 10:25:00 PM

 5 Things To Do in Banff

Adventure, fun, and excitement are some reasons why people enjoy going out and experiencing the outdoors. It is one way of communing with nature. The closer you get to the environment, the more you understand the value of life. Though most people consider going out as a breather for all the stress, still, the mountains and everything around it is there to give us the joy of being outside and liberated.

Speaking of wild and free, and independent, a country with so much more to offer when it comes to outdoor and nature, Canada has an appealing view for every adventurer. A town in Alberta, Canada, brings you not only in the wilderness but also lets you see parts of its historical past.

The town of Banff is one of the many unique towns. Aside from being a resort town, Banff is one of the towns settled inside a National Park. The establishment of Banff was in 1883, after the arrival of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Later, the Banff National Park was instituted, having the town included in the entirety of the park. In 1990, Canada included Banff as one of the municipalities. It was also the first to be incorporated inside a national park.

Since the town is inside a National Park, do they have Banff homes for sale? I couldn't imagine living in a place with all the beauty and sceneries of nature around you, but if it is permitted, I sure do want to own a property in that area. And I can enjoy these different activities.

Hike the Mountain Trails in Summer

If you're seeking the thrill of the mountain, Alberta, Canada, is one of the places to visit. And the town of Banff is the one to discover for yourself. It is the rocky and mountainous part of Alberta. In winter, its icy glacial part beams a perfect scenic view, but when its snowy part starts to melt, its wilderness portion springs the beauty of the mountain. It is the best place to enjoy a good trail hike.

Many adventurers visit this part of Banff for its fascinating trails and the wilderness part of the park. So, if you're in for a long perspiring hike, this activity is perfect. You can pump up yourself with a good fresh air of the mountain and at the same time enjoy the natural beauty of nature.

Wildlife Viewing

The preservation of National Parks is because of their beauty, value, and importance. But mainly, National Parks are sustained for their ecosystem. The wildlife and the system that they have to maintain the balance of nature. The preservation of the living creatures inside of these parks.

If you love taking photos of animals and different creatures, you can spend a day or two or even more in Banff National Park to see these lovely mammals, birds, and other creatures that are endemic to Banff. Maybe you can find your next Photo Piece for the National Geographer here in Banff.

Trail Around on Horseback

If you're back is aching on long walks, you can still enjoy the beauty of Banff by borrowing the back of the horses and ride with them. Banff got these one or three-hour tours around the places of Bow River with a river crossing adventure to experience.

You get to enjoy the view even more from a higher perspective than hiking.

Go Back in History

If remembering the past is a memory lane for you, you might not want to consider including this activity in your list of things to do in Banff. But if you're an old soul who is fascinated with history and past stories, then you might want to feast your eyes and ears on this.

The Banff Park Museum is where they showcase the natural history of western Canada. According to some articles about the museum, it was a log cabin constructed in 1903. I think it is the oldest museum in Canada. Imagine the preservation of historical items, displaying the diverse flora and fauna. It is considered a heritage site of Canada.

Canoe Your Way in the River

If you love canoeing, you can always try the adventure in the water by trailing the Bow River riding on a canoe. Honestly, I haven't tried canoeing, but, if visiting Banff will let me experience it, then it would be captivating.

Aside from these five activities to do in Banff, you can still have more things to do. All you need is the courage to be adventurous.


5 Creative, Safe, and Easy Destination This Quarantine Period

4/04/2020 08:36:00 PM

How was the quarantine period in your area? Well, we're striving hard at this time of crisis. There are many ways for us to check our sanity, our health, and our ability to adapt. With this, I'll be sharing 5 Creative, Safe, and Easy Destination you can go to keep you in good shape during this lockdown.

I hope this will give you a sense of calmness during this quarantine period. We all need to get rid of stress and boredom. So read on.

  • Staycation Ala House Hotel. Well, if you miss having a staycation in one of the hotels in the metro, you don't need to go far. Just set your house into a hotel-like setting. Put something in your bedroom that you usually see in the hotel. At least you'll have the feel and look of the hotel. Then you can take a selfie or an OOTD.
  • Living Room Ala Theater House. Since there are plenty of available movies online, having a movie night or a movie marathon at the comfort of your living is as easy as it is. Also, if you're an avid fan of any trilogies or sequels, you can have them all watched in just a few hours. You can even make a cinema look in your living room.
  • Visit your Hacienda or Ranch ala Garden. If you have a small garden in your residence, it would be great. It's good therapy, especially now that we are in quarantine. You can water your plants every morning and even have a photo with them. Plants, most especially flowers, love to be talked, sometimes they would even bloom better when you're talking to them.
  • Enjoy a Starry Night View on the roof. If you like to go to the mountains for a good view of the starry night, well, you don't need to go far. Just wait for the night to fall and for the lights in the city turn black and you can now enjoy your view of the dark sky and the stars.
  • Beach look in your pool area. Okay, this might only apply to those who have pools in their houses where they can enjoy a scenic view of the beach by having a beach umbrella and some other things that you can find on the beach. But if you're creative enough to make a good scene, well, we can improvise by using a kiddie pool with the beach look. Filipinos are very fond of making this happen, and all it takes a little bit of imagination.

In this time, where the situation keeps us confined in our homes because of the pandemic, we all need to be imaginative. Keep ourselves busy. But of course, we should also think of the others by praying for health and protection.

Keep safe everyone!


5 Activities You Can Do and Enjoy Under The Rain

7/10/2019 01:39:00 PM

It's the rainy season! After PAGASA officially declared the end of summer and the beginning of the rainy season, storms and typhoons started to wet the lands. Thankfully, because our dams are way beyond its limit.

Speaking of the wet season, these are the days that we are confined to do things indoor. Activities outdoor are now limited and more of a chance. Still, there are many things to do indoor but if you like to get wet, well, most of us have been through that time of playing under the rain. The longer the rain, the longer we enjoy playing on wet grounds.

So, what are the possible activities you can enjoy under the rain? I list down the activities that I certainly love doing under the rain. I just hope that the list is somehow similar to yours.

1. If the people in the north part of the globe enjoys doing the snow angel, well, I certainly love doing it under the rain, the Rain (mud) Angel. Of course not on the rough ground but some place that is smooth sliding your arms and legs while the rain pours down on you.

2. Boat play, an improvised toy boat or a boat made of paper. If the rain is heavy the improvised toy boat or a toy boat will do the trick. Letting it rush down to the flow of the water caused by the heavy rain. What's more exciting is that you get to enjoy it with your siblings, relatives or friends - a boat race.

For the paper boat, I often do this when the rain nearly over or had stopped already. You can have the boat float around on a puddle of water or on flowing mini stream.

3. Water splash. Though it is already rain water splash is still prevalent in most of the kids. Who would love to do it with your siblings or friends. But of course it should be done when there's no dry person walking along the area.

4. Play tag under the rain. Yes, who says that you can only play tag on a sunny day. You can still enjoy and play tag on a wet floor, wet shirts and short, playing under the rain.

5. Dodge ball, is another game that you can enjoy under the rain. All you need is a ball, preferably the beach balls, so its does not hurt when it hits you.

All of these are suggested activities that you can do to have fun under the rain. Just make sure that your areas are clean and safe. So enjoy the rainy season.


Discovering My Talent!

3/20/2012 06:00:00 AM

It seems that this month class are already on period of getting clearances and graduation practices so, summer vacation is already up and teens and kids will have lots of time to do the things that they like.  Of course with the guidance of their parents and guardians.  So what's the best way to spend summer aside vacation, attend workshops!

My Talent Summer Workshop, now on its fifth year, continues to provide teens and adults with the perfect tools to develop their talents, and artistry. My Talent has also found a new home on the 3rd floor of a new mini-mall called 500 Shaw Boulevard. Classes will run April 10 to May 31.

Under the directorship of stage veteran Audie Gemora, My Talent offers the freshest staple of courses, which includes classes for Voice (training the ear, learning vocal technique, developing a singing style), Instruments (learning to play piano, guitar, violin or drums), Musical Theater (learning Broadway style performance combining the three disciplines of acting, singing, and dancing), Street Dance (the latest dance grooves taught by today's freshest hip hop dancers), Modeling (Super model Rissa Mananquil mentors aspiring models on grooming, posing, doing the cat walk, giving pointers on the ins and outs of the fashion and commercial modeling industry) and Pop Performance (with Audie as coach, learn song interpretation, mastering live performance, packaging, pointers on pursuing a singing career).

This year, My Talent introduces three exciting new courses – Acoustic (with no less than acoustic prince Jimmy Bondoc sharing first hand how to develop one’s own singing style and performing with a guitar or piano as accompaniment), Acting for Television and Film (acquire acting techniques in preparation for a career in showbiz), Hosting (discover the basic rudiments of public speaking, hosting for both live events and television).

For inquiries, call 654-7452/ 3845578 or cell phone numbers 0922-5916060 / 0915-7460756.

About Me

About me
Hi!, This is Marco a.k.a. Toto Blogger and Publisher. I created this blog to provide stories, personal experiences, entertainment, and insights on products I like. I'm here to share and inform you (readers) on things about music, movie, food, travel, and events.

You can also meet my wife on her blog

For project collaborations, product reviews, event invitations, or hotel and resort experience reviews, kindly email me at

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