Reliving An Old Age Trekking Experience
3/19/2020 01:40:00 AM
When was the last time you had an outdoor activity that is pack with a thrilling and exciting adventure? Well, the last one that is memorable for me was my college days, where we (my organization) did a mountain trekking in a nearby province. It was a real adventure where we stayed up the mountain area for five straight days. We set up a campsite where no one has ever visited. We eat, sleep, and enjoy the trees for five days. We look for water and other food necessities. Our only time was the sun and the moon.
It was like experiencing a tactical training where you need to survive for some time and where you are required to survive only with your tactical gears. Though in our case, we had a few gears with us that is basic enough to go through that five days in the mountain.
It was an unusual experience, but of course, there were few downsides. At that time, we don't have gears like Salomon Outdoors Footwear to protect our feet. There are quite few Tactical Distributors back then. If ever that I'll do it again, I would prefer to use a Salomon Tactical Boots, it is much safer when doing a trek in the mountain. You can avoid hurting yourself with sharp and pointed stones. You can enjoy the view with less worry.
I hope I can do it again and enjoy the adventure, but probably this time, I would love my kids to join me in this kind of journey. I'm planning to be more equipped, with the right gear to protect ourselves at the same time enjoy the views and Plantshed sceneries of the place. I'm sure they will look forward to this kind of activity.
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